July 2024

May 2012: more bikes again!!

The Spokes May 2012 Edinburgh traffic count has found yet another rise in bikes, both in total and as a % of all vehicles…


Spokes Bike Breakfast – June 20

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be between 8-10am on Weds 20 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


New councils…

What do the Scottish council election results mean for cycling policy and investment in Edinburgh and elsewhere? …


PoP phenomenal!

Pedal on Parliament exceeded all expectations, with a police estimate of 2500 people, and others suggesting 3000+


Edinburgh party election manifestos

[Updated 1 May] With most manifestos for the May 3 Council elections in Edinburgh now published in whole or in part, we reproduce the sections most relevant to cycling issues in the city…


Cycling in Edinburgh, past and future

In the run-up to the May 3 council elections, Spokes has a big opinion piece in the April 12 Edinburgh Evening News…


A90 path ‘disgrace’ to Scotland

Speaking in the March 29 Parliamentary debate on cycling [pdf 1.1MB] Fife Labour MSP Helen Eadie echoed a long-standing Spokes campaign, declaring in passionate tones, “The cycle path from Fife to Edinburgh is a disgrace.”


Council elections May 3

[updated 29 April] The Council elections on May 3 are vital to future cycling policy in Edinburgh and other councils around Scotland. We’ll keep you updated how to help make Edinburgh even more cycle-friendly …


Bulletin 112: Edinburgh Excels

The Spring Spokes Bulletin praises Edinburgh City’s remarkable “5% + external funding” budget decision [also rising by 1% a year] as a model for other Scottish Councils…


Edinburgh Council election hustings

The Spokes Spring public meeting on Thursday 29 March will be a hustings for the May 3rd Edinburgh Council elections…
