July 2024

Bike Storage: printed factsheet + feedback/news wanted

The new Spokes printed factsheet on domestic bike storage is now available [free] to interested individuals and groups…


Edinburgh City Centre survey: now open to 14 March

Edinburgh’s City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership [ECCNP] is developing a new ‘community plan’ for the area, and seeks the views of anyone who “lives, works, studies in, or visits, the city centre” …


A90 path to QF and the North

Work has just started on phase 1 of this long-overdue route, vital for commuters, tourists and day-trippers…


Get involved in NPs [Leith & City Centre currently urgent]

Find out what’s happening in your and other local areas within Edinburgh – and help influence things – through the Neighbourhood Partnerships website…


Onstreet storage – survey results

Results from the Spokes online survey about on-street bike storage facilities are now available…


Cyclists and Lothian Buses

With cyclist crashes on Princes Street tramlines continuing at around 2-3 a month known to Spokes (and presumably others not known) a number of victims have complimented Lothian Buses drivers on their awareness of the problems and their prompt action…


Spokes flats/tenements Bike Storage fact-sheet

The much-anticipated Spokes fact-sheet and product database on residential bike storage are now available…


Bike storage offer [ends 17 Jan]

There’s an opportunity to buy bike racks and other storage equipment at reduced cost – but you must order by 17 January.


Bike storage not needed in most houses? – respond by 24 Dec.

A Scottish Government consultation on ‘Sustainability Labelling’ would allow developers to gain bronze and silver awards for new flats and houses with no bike storage…


Quality Bike Corridor: Spokes comment

Spokes has submitted its formal comments to the consultations on the Mound to Kings Buildings Quality Bike Corridor and the south-central Edinburgh 20mph zone…
