July 2024

Hopes & Challenges for 2022

Stop Press 13.1.22: Traffic Reduction ‘Route Map’ published. Much as we predicted (2 & 2.2 below) – some good stuff, but without tougher Demand Management, notably Road User Charging, the 2030 traffic reduction commitment is very unlikely to be met. Consultation opens, closing 6 April 2022.

What can we expect in Edinburgh and […]

Edinburgh Spokes Cycle Map – new edition

The 11th edition of our highly praised Edinburgh Cycle Map is out!! The entire city was surveyed by Spokes volunteers, and the map then completely revised and updated by a skilled cartographer from our maps group.


Pedalled on COP26

Congratulations to the magnificent 200/300 people who cycled from Edinburgh to Glasgow through unforgiving weather to demonstrate their climate concern and to highlight the vital place of bikes in a more climate-friendly transport future. And to the magnificent organisers, Edinburgh Critical Mass & @AlexDRobertson for the Edinburgh ride. And to Pedal on Parliament & […]

Bikes up in city centre

The November 2021 Spokes city-centre traffic count found bike numbers up 18% from November 2020, rising from 229 to 270, totalled over our 4 city-centre count points during the 8-9am peak period. Because of increases in motor traffic, the rise in bikes as a % of all motor traffic was more marginal, up from […]

Cycling Champion Awards 2021 – Edinburgh

Two of the four 2021 ‘Cycling Champion’ Scotland awards have gone to people based in Edinburgh. Dave du Feu of Spokes has been awarded Visionary Champion of the Year, and Farrout Deliveries Business Champion of the Year.


“A World that can be Different” – #SpokesMtg report

Summarising our public meeting on Local Bike Campaigning, QA presenter Alix Davies said it had given us “an insight into a world that can be different” and it had shown that, to make this happen, “your voice does matter.”


#SpokesMtg – Local Bike Campaigning

There’s a flourishing of locally-based campaigns for cycling infrastructure and for wider car-reduced living, supporting walking, wheeling, local public transport and places no longer dominated by the demands of the car.

Our meeting, at 7.30pm on Wednesday 22 September, hears from a range of local campaigns, together with city-wide groups BEST and Spokes, and […]

Bicycle Film Festival, July 16-25

Edinburgh Festival of Cycling [EdFoC] like so many events, fell to the covid pandemic in 2020 and 2021. However EdFoC has teamed up for a second time with the international Bicycle Film Festival – now coming to Edinburgh (virtually) July 16-25 and also supported by Spokes.


Growing Edinburgh’s Cycle Network beyond Spaces for People

[Latest, June 24: Council votes to convert most SfP schemes from ‘temporary’ Traffic Orders (TTRO) to ‘experimental’ (ETRO), as a step to becoming permanent if successful. Sadly, town centre schemes largely excluded]

Until 2019 Edinburgh cycle projects were often isolated schemes, taking advantage of local opportunities or needs, but not joined up. And, many […]

Election #Holyrood2021 – how shall I vote??

No – we aren’t telling you who to vote for! But hopefully giving you some guidance how to use the somewhat complicated Holyrood voting system to aim for the result that you would like…
