July 2024

Spokes Bulletin 133 – Climate/Transport/Cycling… is ScotGov serious?

In the last 1-2 years, the Scottish Government has significantly upped its support for cycling. But … at the same time it is boosting road and air travel, and its forecasts fortell a frightening future…


Outlook for 🚲 in 2019 – Edinburgh & Scotland

After a ‘hiatus 2018‘ for active travel in Edinburgh, 2019 looks set to be either the most momentous – or the most disappointing – of recent years. At Scottish level, the welcome doubling of active travel cash from 2018/19 onwards will start to be reflected on the ground in many towns and cities – but […]

#SpokesCount: highest ever Nov bike %

Our November 2018 traffic count, averaged over our 4 regular count points, found bikes forming 16.8% of all vehicles – the highest ever November percentage, up from last year’s 16.5%, and almost equalling the 16.9% in our summer (May) count.


Spokes Bulletin 132 … Cycling for more people

Our Winter 2018/19 Bulletin is out … showing how getting about by bike is becoming a realistic option for more and more people …


Leith Street Limbo

Leith Street has reopened to traffic [1, 2] after its 10-month upgrade. But for all the hype about improvements, and there are indeed some welcome improvements, it remains basically the same – multiple lanes of mixed traffic, cyclists travelling uphill surrounded by lorries, cars and buses; and heavily-used footways which at the top are […]

#SpokesMtg: City Centre Transformation

It is time for both Edinburgh and Glasgow Councils to create people-friendly central areas, including major restrictions on motor traffic – and both cities intend to do so. This was the main theme to emerge from our 100-strong June 13 public meeting, addressed by top decision-makers from both cities.


7-4 decisions on West-East route & road resurfacing policy

Edinburgh City Council’s June 20 Transport & Environment Committee has moved the CCWEL project on to the next stage and agreed some small but useful improvements to resurfacing policy – both by 7-4 votes, opposed by Conservatives and Lib Dems.


Spokes Bike Breakfast 2018 : Bike use at tipping point?

Another hugely enjoyable Bike Breakfast for the many people who came along on their way to work – but with a serious message for the politicians.


Spokes in EdFoC ** Public Mtg ** Bike B’fast ** Infra Ride ** Cycling Seminar


Spokes Bulletin 131 … Edinburgh’s cycling future

Our Summer 2018 Bulletin is out … with new research on why Edinburgh has outstripped the rest of Scotland in boosting cycle use, but hints that this may be slowing. Will the City Centre Transformation, Bike Share scheme, and other big projects be implemented boldly enough to ensure continued momentum? And, of course there’s loads […]