June 2024

UK General Election 2015

Information and links to help you decide…


Scottish Government cycling cash 2001-2015

Funding for cycling in Scotland in 2014/15 is at its highest level ever, though it is well below what would be needed to achieve the 2020 ‘vision‘ of 10% of trips by bike … and without further changes it will fall somewhat in 2015/16 …


Independent of Cycling?

What vision does the Independence White Paper promise for transport – and for cycling and walking in particular? …


Spokesworker 17.06.12 : jammed!

The new Spokesworker [pdf 548k] is jam-packed with useful and interesting info, from Edinburgh cycling politics to reporting taxi incidents, from getting kids cycling to ordering PoP postcards. For previous issues see our Spokesworker page.

Spokes Summer mailing

Spokes Bulletin 113 is hitting the doorsteps of all Spokes members, 1200 decision-makers across Scotland, and countless other cyclists and interested individuals (well, to be a little more precise, around 13,000 for this issue!)


New councils…

What do the Scottish council election results mean for cycling policy and investment in Edinburgh and elsewhere? …


PoP phenomenal!

Pedal on Parliament exceeded all expectations, with a police estimate of 2500 people, and others suggesting 3000+


Edinburgh party election manifestos

[Updated 1 May] With most manifestos for the May 3 Council elections in Edinburgh now published in whole or in part, we reproduce the sections most relevant to cycling issues in the city…


Cycling in Edinburgh, past and future

In the run-up to the May 3 council elections, Spokes has a big opinion piece in the April 12 Edinburgh Evening News…


Council elections May 3

[updated 29 April] The Council elections on May 3 are vital to future cycling policy in Edinburgh and other councils around Scotland. We’ll keep you updated how to help make Edinburgh even more cycle-friendly …
