July 2024

Nov 17: Spokes Public Meeting

A poster [pdf 241k] is now available. Come along to hear and ask about latest developments in Edinburgh’s Active Travel Action Plan and how its cycling policies compare to Oxford’s Dual Network [click public meeting for more on each].

Spokesworker 19.6.11: expert interview

Interview by European Cyclistss Federation (ECF) with Prof John Pucher – world expert on what works to get more people on bikes. For more on this…


Spokes Holyrood Hustings 23 March

The Spokes Spring Public Meeting will be a hustings for the May 5th Holyrood elections – with an exciting line-up of speakers, and a new format to enable maximum testing of and engagement with each candidate!!


Ride Planet Earth: Cancelled

Update 2 Dec: Due to the expected weather conditions, with ice on the roads, we have reluctantly cancelled the ride and the lunch. Everyone who registered has been notified by email. Hope to see you on next year’s ride! ————————————————————-


Bulletin 108 : Cycle funds up in 10/11

The autumn Spokes Bulletin shows a recovery in Scottish cycling investment in 2010/11, almost to its previous high – but there are fears for 2011/12 and beyond…


Spokesworker 21 July 2010

The latest Spokesworker has loads of news and things to do…


The Big Example

Anyone organising a big event at a potentially car-based site could learn a great lesson in terms of encouraging sustainable access from The Big Tent environment festival on July 23-25 in Fife.

Spokes Bike Breakfast – 23 June

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be on between 8-10am on 23 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


Police action on cycle theft

Lothian and Borders Police are promoting a cycle marking scheme to improve cycle security….


Tram TROs ctd – Spokesworker 9.3.10

More detail about the implication of the tram Traffic Regulation Orders is spelt out in the new issue of Spokesworker, along with more news, dates, and things you can do to help our never-ending campaign for better cycling conditions…
