July 2024

Thanks for shopping – by bike!

Anyone shopping by bike at Edinburgh Farmers’ Market on June 21 received a thank-you goody-bag from Spokes, with contents supplied by generous stallholders…


Hot breakfast!

Even the sun visited this year’s June 18 Spokes Bike Breakfast – with another great turnout and lots of appreciative comments…


Spokes Bulletin 119 : £3m win for Lothians Councils

[Update 4.6.14 Sustrans Map showing the Community Links funding allocations] Out now!! Including… West Lothian & Edinburgh win big Sustrans funding; Edinburgh bikes up & cars down; Extending the Meadows cycleroute; Our summer competition with great prizes; HGV driver cycling training; Government cycling cash up 2014 but down 2015 … READ ON…


Spokes EdFoC events: Bike Breakfast June 18; Thanks for Shopping June 21

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be between 7.45-9.45am on Weds 18 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


Three April events PoP up

The latest Spokesworker is out – with a call to help at Pedal on Parliament, news of 2 long-distance route events, and lots more local and national news…


Pedal on Parliament 2014

Why it matters How you can help More about PoP

Free Solway<->Forth C2C map!

A new long distance ‘Sea to Sea’ tourist route is being planned from the Solway to the Forth…


Understanding Cycling : Spokes Spring Public Meeting

Professor Colin Pooley of Lancaster University will outline findings from the pioneering and controversial Understanding Walking and Cycling research study. Edinburgh Council leader Cllr Andrew Burns will respond, followed by a panel discussion. All welcome!!


Spokes Bulletin 118

Out now! … Edinburgh progress in sustainable transport; Preventing Haymarket tramline crashes; Transport & Planning: failure in joined-up thinking; Council Local Transport Strategy supplement; Everyday bike use pictures; and loads more…


Pedal on Parliament 2014

PoP2014 is as important as ever, and needs you ! …
