July 2024

Abellio Scotrail Cycle Innovation plan

Abellio’s exciting plan for bike/rail integration in Scotland is now public – just in time for our June 15 bike/rail public meeting…


Spokes Bulletin 122: Edinburgh tops UK with 10% cash promise

Out now!! Including – Edinburgh first UK council to promise 10% of transport budget for cycling … also first in UK to allow bikes on regular tram services … but spoiling reputation by scrapping offpeak and Saturday bus lanes … and much more … Read on!! …


Bus lanes: 150 objections rejected

Edinburgh’s Transport and Environment Committee has decided to go ahead with its peaktime-only bus lanes 18-month experiment, despite 150 objections from concerned individuals and organisations.


Glasgow 7-7-7 shows the way

Edinburgh Council Transport Committee is expected to decide on June 2nd whether to press on with its controversial proposal to cut weekday bus lane hours and scrap Saturday bus lanes entirely. We urge the Council either to scrap its plan or to postpone a decision and follow Glasgow’s example of first consulting on all the […]

Bikes & Rail: June 15 Spokes public meeting

Dutch company Abellio is now running ScotRail. What does this mean for bike/rail? What else is happening locally and in Scotland for bike/rail? Our headline speaker is Des Bradley, Transport Integration Manager for Abellio ScotRail.


Traffic Count : Bikes highest ever %

Despite a cold and windy morning, the May Spokes traffic count found bikes forming 16.5% of all vehicles at our 4 count points, the highest ever %, and only the second time to exceed 16%…


120-strong Spokes City Centre meeting

An amazing 120 people came to hear Edinburgh City’s Transport Convener Cllr Lesley Hinds, Essential Edinburgh’s Richard Darke and Professor Tom Rye of Napier Transport Research Institute speak about the city centre future, and the role of cycling in it…


Super(?)markets Bikepark Project

Nipping down to your local shop or supermarket by bike can be so quick and simple. It provides your daily dose of physical activity and helps the city keep down congestion and pollution. So why do some stores make bikes into second class citizens?


Spokes Bulletin 121: Cash cut averted?

Out now!! Including – A little more cycling cash in Government budget; Edinburgh Council cycle budget now 8% of transport!; City Centre feature; shocking Council retreat on bus lanes; Glasgow v. Edinburgh; Superhighways in London (and Edinburgh?) … Read on …


Bus lane cuts: what you say

We now know of many people who have objected to the Council’s plans to scrap bus lane operation all day Saturdays and off-peak on weekdays. If you don’t like it either, please join them! …
