July 2024

Awareness grows on bus lane cutbacks

[Update 14.2.15 – Our full objection is now downloadable below] [Update – ‘What you say’ article on the Council plans] Awareness of the Council’s planned scrapping of daytime and Saturday bus lanes is growing amongst the public and councillors [many of whom had little idea what was happening] …


Bus/cycle lanes -> car/lorry lanes … unless you object

[Update June 3: 150 objections rejected – bus lane cutbacks trial to go ahead]

Edinburgh Council is planning to convert all bus lanes into peak-hour only, also scrapping Saturday bus lanes entirely. A total of 22km of all-day bus lanes will be affected – and it appears that little or no thought has been […]

Spokes Spring Public Meeting: the Bicycle in the City Centre

The Spokes Spring public meeting on Thurs 26 March will discuss the future of Edinburgh city centre – particularly Princes Street / George Street – and the role of the bicycle there. Our headline speaker is Cllr Lesley Hinds, Convener of Edinburgh City’s Transport Committee.


Leith Street cycling future – or not?

The cycling future of Leith Street is up for grabs in the St James Quarter proposals. A segregated cycleroute up from Picardy Place will end at Calton Road, with no connection to Princes Street…


New Year Cycling Resolutions?? .. Act instead!!

Keep yourself busy over the holiday (and after) .. We’ve a few suggestions ..


Councillor flabbergasted … or … the Importance of Budgets … and … What You Can Do

Something remarkable happened at the Spokes public meeting on Cycling Development in the Lothians …


Lothians interest – packed out meeting!

According to the janitor, 140-150 people attended the Spokes public meeting on Lothians cycling development…


Nov 20: Lothians Cycling Development

All the Lothians Councils are gearing up for our public meeting this Thursday!


Spokes Bulletin 120 : Budget flim-flam

Out now!! Including – More on the 15/16 government budget mess-up; Cycling development in the Lothians – supplement & public meeting; our annual councils’ funding survey; and masses more…


Road maintenance cycling innovation

Edinburgh Council is to raise the priority for road resurfacing on roads important to cycling. No other Council in Scotland – and possibly the UK – has built this in to their calculations of which roads most need resurfacing.
