July 2024

Spokes Bulletin 118

Out now! … Edinburgh progress in sustainable transport; Preventing Haymarket tramline crashes; Transport & Planning: failure in joined-up thinking; Council Local Transport Strategy supplement; Everyday bike use pictures; and loads more…


Edinburgh Local Transport Strategy 2014-19

[Update 14.1.14: The LTS was approved today by councillors and can now be quoted as Council policy] [Update Feb 2014: There is an LTS pull-out supplement in Spokes Bulletin 118] [Update June 2104: Links added below to council progress reports on 20mph and on school streets]. The Council’s new Local Transport Strategy is a major […]

Meadows to Innocent

Spokes has responded to the Council consultation. You have until 16 December to send in your own comments…


Consultations: please take part

Four major cycling-relevant consultations are now underway in Edinburgh: Local Policing Plans; a Meadows-Innocent link; further work on the Leith-Portobello route; and closing the missing link between Edinburgh and Midlothian’s route to Roslin and Penicuik…


Bikes up, Cars down – again!!

The November Spokes traffic census found the highest ever number of bikes (up even on May numbers) and the lowest ever November count of private cars. Remarkably, more than one in every five vehicles heading for the city centre along bike-unfriendly Lothian Road was a bike…


PANs and PAs [not pandas!]

The Spokes website has successfully given birth to a new page (two, in fact) ! …


Spokes Bulletin 117

Out now! … Government cycling cash; Garden storage victory ; Spokes annual cycling investment survey; Stop Climate Chaos supplement; Great Spokes maps offer; and loads more…


Tramline Traumas

In the first 2 days after Haymarket area was reopened to traffic we heard of 4 cyclist tramline crashes, three involving minor injury and bike damage, and one with no injury, but which was video’d. Crashes continue with dreadful frequency. Why is this happening, and what is your safest route?…


Towards 2020!!

With the likelihood of additional Scottish Government cycling investment Spokes has issued a discussion paper on how cycling infrastructure investment could be implemented in the period up to 2020…


Spokes National Cycling Proposal

Please support our proposal for a national project to kick-start everyday cycling in every council area within Scotland. You can help!! [July 11: Spokes has now responded to the NPF3 and SPP consultations. See 1307 on our national submissions page].
