July 2024

Brilliant Bike Breakfast

This year’s June 19 Spokes Bike Breakfast was the best so far, with record numbers [sadly, breakfasts ran out before all were fed!] …


Princes Street : fight continues

photo: Chris Hill

Will traffic-free cycling be provided for in Princes Street? The cycling ban in the proposed traffic-free north (shops) side of Princes Street is a critical question for city centre accessibility. It also threatens Edinburgh’s growing international reputation as Scotland’s top cycling city – see below.

Thanks to everyone who has […]

Spokes Bulletin 116

Out now! … Edinburgh to Forth Bridge – major path upgrade; Parking in bike lanes – hope for Edinburgh? ; Spokes big summer competition; Strict Liability supplement; and loads more… […]

Are cyclists buses or taxis?

Spokes has submitted its comments on the Council’s plans for the future of Princes Street and George Street…


The Good, the Bad or the Ugly??

What do Spokes members think about Princes Street, about tramlines and about Edinburgh City Council’s Quality Bike Corridor? Now we know …


Quick chance for cycling investment

There’s a short window of opportunity to gain a modest one-off boost to Scottish cycling investment. We’ve also got a great idea how the money could be used. Please send a quick email to your MSPs now…


Princes Street 1-way bike ban?

Radical council proposals for the future of Princes Street and George Street appear to include a ban on cycling eastbound in Princes Street.


Spokes Bulletin 115

Out now! … Edinburgh Council budget 2013/14, Princes Street pedestrian/cyclist huge potential [Jan Gehl], two victories on garden bike shed removal orders, ‘everyday cycling’ pictures, and loads more…


CAPS Refresh : Spokes view

Responding to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland, Spokes calls for political leadership and adequate funding if the government is to move towards its own 2020 target of 10% of trips to be by bike…


Leith Walk future

A remarkable joint submission by Greener Leith, Spokes, local Community Councils, the Cockburn and other groups puts the council under unprecedented pressure to come up with a truly people-friendly Leith Walk, including a ‘protected’ uphill cycle lane …
