July 2024

Spokesworker 19.6.11: expert interview

Interview by European Cyclistss Federation (ECF) with Prof John Pucher – world expert on what works to get more people on bikes. For more on this…


Bulletin 109: transport spending out of kilter

Without a major change of policy after May’s Holyrood election, the Scottish Government will fail to meet its praiseworthy and potentially achievable target for 10% of trips to be by bike in 2020…


Get involved in NPs [Leith & City Centre currently urgent]

Find out what’s happening in your and other local areas within Edinburgh – and help influence things – through the Neighbourhood Partnerships website…


Quality Bike Corridor: Spokes comment

Spokes has submitted its formal comments to the consultations on the Mound to Kings Buildings Quality Bike Corridor and the south-central Edinburgh 20mph zone…


Cyclenation conference report

Reports, pictures and presentations are now online…


Bulletin 108 : Cycle funds up in 10/11

The autumn Spokes Bulletin shows a recovery in Scottish cycling investment in 2010/11, almost to its previous high – but there are fears for 2011/12 and beyond…


Quality Bike Corridor & 20mph consultation [updated 15 Nov]

Edinburgh Council is consulting on its proposed ‘Quality Bike Corridor’ between Princes Street and Mayfield/ Kings Buildings. Running in parallel is a consultation on a 20mph zone for a wide area of south central Edinburgh.


CEC Active Travel Action Plan

Edinburgh Council’s Active Travel Action Plan [ATAP], incorporating the Cycling Action Plan, has been finalised and agreed by the Council’s Transport Committee.


CEC Cycle Action Plan – Spokes response

Spokes has responded to Edinburgh Council’s draft Cycle Action Plan…


Advance Stop Lines research

Research is being conducted at Edinburgh Napier University on “Driver compliance with advanced stop lines with and without coloured surfacing in Edinburgh” …
