June 2024

Scot Gov Active Travel: facing up to COP26

In recognition of COP26, we ask what is the best thing we’ve seen recently for active travel (AT) from the Scottish Government – and what is the biggest challenge they face in the coming year? We have no doubts about the answers!


“A World that can be Different” – #SpokesMtg report

Summarising our public meeting on Local Bike Campaigning, QA presenter Alix Davies said it had given us “an insight into a world that can be different” and it had shown that, to make this happen, “your voice does matter.”


Spokes Summer SfP Challenge

Latest: We’ve had some great entries (examples in this twitter thread) so we’re keeping the challenge open for the rest of 2021.

Enter our summer challenge and claim a Spokes Map of your choice or a Spokes Buff – or both. Everyone’s a winner!! At the same time, you’ll be helping Spokes […]

#SpokesMtg – Local Bike Campaigning

There’s a flourishing of locally-based campaigns for cycling infrastructure and for wider car-reduced living, supporting walking, wheeling, local public transport and places no longer dominated by the demands of the car.

Our meeting, at 7.30pm on Wednesday 22 September, hears from a range of local campaigns, together with city-wide groups BEST and Spokes, and […]

Growing Edinburgh’s Cycle Network beyond Spaces for People

[Latest, June 24: Council votes to convert most SfP schemes from ‘temporary’ Traffic Orders (TTRO) to ‘experimental’ (ETRO), as a step to becoming permanent if successful. Sadly, town centre schemes largely excluded]

Until 2019 Edinburgh cycle projects were often isolated schemes, taking advantage of local opportunities or needs, but not joined up. And, many […]

Cycling in the Pandemic: #SpokesComp

Whilst health and the NHS have rightly been everyone’s top concern, transport and travel have changed drastically during the pandemic. Our Spring competition showed just how valuable, how valued and how versatile is the humble bicycle when the unexpected happens and lives have the need or the opportunity to change.


#SpokesMtg report: Spaces for … Children!

Our Spaces for People – The Future meeting unexpectedly developed a strong theme of making streets safer for children, particularly after the input of our three local-area speakers. And that, of course, makes sense, because children are the future.


#SpokesMtg: Spaces for People – the Future

Latest [March 20]: Recording of meeting now available here–>https://youtu.be/aAN17Vw9v_g

Like many other Councils across Scotland and the UK, Edinburgh City has introduced a wide range of Spaces for People schemes, using government funding dedicated to that purpose.

Our meeting, on Thursday 18 March, asks: should they, can they, will they, be made permanent?


Spaces for People consultation

Like many other Councils across Scotland and the UK, Edinburgh is consulting on whether to make successful SfP schemes permanent – and, if so, how they should be improved. Please respond to the consultation!


2021 Active Travel Challenges

Councils across Scotland, not least Edinburgh, face big challenges on active travel in 2021. But what they can achieve will depend significantly on decisions by the Scottish Government – specifically their actions on traffic reduction and on helping Councils make successful Spaces for People projects permanent.
