June 2024

2020: What on Earth Happened??

No one could have predicted the incredible shake-up which Covid19 has brought to transport and travel in Edinburgh, Scotland, the UK and worldwide in 2020 – as just one element of its shock to every aspect of life. Conversely it was modern transport, notably flying, which caused such rapid spread of the original and […]

Covid Commuter Count

The Spokes November traffic count found less road traffic of all types, compared to last year’s pre-Covid November. Despite a probable big transfer from bus to car, total car numbers fell. Cycling was also well down – except in the Mound to George IV Bridge direction where the Council has made substantial improvements in […]

CCWEL – first (wee) section to open

We expect the first section of the Council’s flagship city centre west-east route to open shortly, along with an initial cycleroute through the Picardy Place island.


Spaces for People: ‘try then modify’

Sept 2020 update – A revised and expanded version of this article is being presented at the Cycling and Society Annual Symposium, Sept 10-11, 2020.

In Scotland, the UK, and indeed around the world, measures to boost cycling and walking, and to restrict or tame motor traffic, are appearing in days or […]

Spokes Bulletin 136 – year 2020 and beyond

The Spring Spokes Bulletin asks what concrete actions to boost cycle use we’ll see in Edinburgh in year 2020, and what the plans and intentions are between now and 2030?

At Scottish level, what do the experts say on the relationship between transport and climate? – and is the Scottish Government listening? – […]

Local Bike Campaigning – March 23 #SpokesMtg

More and more people are fighting for safer conditions to get around by bike – for the environment and climate, for health, for towns and cities not dominated by the car and for a happier life. Our public meeting and our new factsheet tell the many and varied stories of people doing just that […]

Spokes Bulletin 135 – targets v. actions

The Scottish Government has set bold climate targets, but these must be matched by bold actions – particularly on transport, Scotland’s biggest emissions source.


Bike Storage for Flats and Tenements

Spokes has published a new factsheet, How to be a Cycling Flat-Dweller. The factsheet covers everything from in the flat, in the stair, in gardens, or on the street – and even with a few extra hints for storing e-bikes or cargo bikes.


#SpokesMtg report – City Centre Transformation

Latest: Spokes response to the Transformation Proposals consultation.

Almost every one of the 110 chairs was filled at our public meeting on Edinburgh Council’s City Centre Transformation Proposals.

Top theme to emerge from the talks and the hour-long discussion was that the proposals are encouraging and bold – but that they involve a […]

Waverley to Double : have your say!

Network Rail, Edinburgh Council and Transport Scotland are preparing a masterplan to cater for an expected doubling of passengers over the next 30 years. This is likely to be a massive rebuild, so even ideas which might normally appear very costly can be considered. Don’t miss the chance to have your say!!

Latest on Waverley: […]