June 2024

Facts on our roads as they are today

Cyclists do get fined, not just motorists The majority of motorists sometimes behave dangerously Cars are by far the greatest danger to pedestrians More facts in Spokes Bulletin 118, out March 1st… […]

Spokes Bulletin 117

Out now! … Government cycling cash; Garden storage victory ; Spokes annual cycling investment survey; Stop Climate Chaos supplement; Great Spokes maps offer; and loads more…


Edinburgh SkyRide 7 Sept 2013

Thousands of people are expected to try out cycling on traffic-free roads in Edinburgh this Saturday 7 September…


Thank You for Using a Bike Today*

The Scottish and UK governments are investing at far too low a level to provide widespread feel-safe cycling conditions anytime soon, and many people have to cycle on busy roads if they wish to get quickly from some A’s to some B’s. So how should cycling be portrayed and promoted whilst this situation remains? […]

Spokes Bulletin 114

Out now! – the latest on Scottish cycle policy & funding, Edinburgh council projects 2012 & 2013, new shared paths flyer, facts & theories on bike use & safety,…


Scottish Budget 2013/14

[‘What happens next’ updated 25 Aug] Will the Scottish Government’s 2013/14 draft budget see sense on cycling investment and, more generally, on active travel? Spokes has submitted comments to the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee…


Edinburgh SkyRide 8 September 2012

Thousands of people are expected to try out cycling on traffic-free roads in Edinburgh on Saturday 8 September…


Helmets feedback & factsheet

The article about creeping helmet compulsion in Spokes 113 attracted wide interest from the media, though much less from individuals. Encouragingly, most of the coverage was balanced and was supportive or understanding of our position …


Bulletin 110: Cycling after the Election

What does Scotland’s remarkable election result, with an overall SNP majority, mean for cycling as a form of transport in Scotland?? …


Cycling to work is healthy

Employees who cycle regularly to work are less frequently ill, with on average more than one day per year less absenteeism than colleagues who do not cycle to work. See Netherlands TNO report for details.