July 2024

Spokes Sunday Rides – the Social way to spend a Sunday this Summer

Spokes Sunday Ride June 3rd 2011 (Cycling around Edinburgh) from Moafaq Jamal on Vimeo.


Canal towpath user survey

British Waterways wish to get feedback from regular users of the Union and the Forth/Clyde canal towpaths…


North Berwick trains: bike survey

If you use the North Berwick rail service (including to or from intermediate stations) please help in our survey of bike usage…


Spokesworker 21 July 2010

The latest Spokesworker has loads of news and things to do…


Spokes 2010 Summer Competition

This year’s annual Spokes summer competition has been launched…


North Berwick trains bike capacity

New trains are planned for April 2011 which will reduce dedicated bike capacity from 8 to 2 spaces per train (although one bike will be allowed in each vestible if the train is not too full)…


Bulletin 106 – Cycling investment falling

Cycling investment across Scotland risks falling in every year of office of the SNP government – but there are positive signs at Edinburgh Council.


Linlithgow Station Cycle Info board

ScotRail’s first cycle information board, produced by Spokes at ScotRail’s initiative, was unveiled at Linlithgow Station on Friday 11 September by the Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee, Patrick Harvie MSP.


Midlothian Cycle Map – new edition

The third edition of the Spokes cycle/walking map for Midlothian has just been published.
