July 2024

A90 path to QF and the North

Work has just started on phase 1 of this long-overdue route, vital for commuters, tourists and day-trippers…


Spokes Holyrood Hustings 23 March

The Spokes Spring Public Meeting will be a hustings for the May 5th Holyrood elections – with an exciting line-up of speakers, and a new format to enable maximum testing of and engagement with each candidate!!


Manifestos and Budget – latest

Now is your final chance to influence party manifestos for the Holyrood elections on 5 May, and the Scottish budget for 2011-12, both of which will have a major impact on what happens to cycling conditions and promotion in the next few years …


Holyrood Elections – act now!!

May 2011 sees elections to the Scottish Parliament, for the 4 years to 2015. Scottish environmental organisations are trying to influence party manifestos – and you can help!!


Tram TROs ctd – Spokesworker 9.3.10

More detail about the implication of the tram Traffic Regulation Orders is spelt out in the new issue of Spokesworker, along with more news, dates, and things you can do to help our never-ending campaign for better cycling conditions…


Bulletin 106 – Cycling investment falling

Cycling investment across Scotland risks falling in every year of office of the SNP government – but there are positive signs at Edinburgh Council.


Scottish Budget 2010-11: no progress yet

There is no sign of the Scottish Government paying attention to the recommendations of the all-party Parliamentary Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee.


Spokes Public Meetings

There’s now a downloads page under the above downloads tab with links to reports of the last 6 Spokes public meetings.
