June 2024

Nov 20: Lothians Cycling Development

All the Lothians Councils are gearing up for our public meeting this Thursday!


Spokes Bulletin 120 : Budget flim-flam

Out now!! Including – More on the 15/16 government budget mess-up; Cycling development in the Lothians – supplement & public meeting; our annual councils’ funding survey; and masses more…


Spokes canal discussion document

[Update 9.5.14: Evening News report] The canal and its towpath are succeeding in attracting more and more users. How can the pressures be accommodated?…


A90 path consultation

[Updated 24.4.14 with details of temporary closures/diversions during work] Work starts soon on Section 5 of the cycleroute to the Forth Bridge, and Edinburgh Council is also consulting on section 3…


Three April events PoP up

The latest Spokesworker is out – with a call to help at Pedal on Parliament, news of 2 long-distance route events, and lots more local and national news…


Meadows to Innocent

Spokes has responded to the Council consultation. You have until 16 December to send in your own comments…


Consultations: please take part

Four major cycling-relevant consultations are now underway in Edinburgh: Local Policing Plans; a Meadows-Innocent link; further work on the Leith-Portobello route; and closing the missing link between Edinburgh and Midlothian’s route to Roslin and Penicuik…


PANs and PAs [not pandas!]

The Spokes website has successfully given birth to a new page (two, in fact) ! …


Spokes Bulletin 117

Out now! … Government cycling cash; Garden storage victory ; Spokes annual cycling investment survey; Stop Climate Chaos supplement; Great Spokes maps offer; and loads more…


F2F: Solway to Forth

Update Dec 2013: Solway to Forth inital outline map [pdf 2MB] There’s a great new idea for a ‘Firth to Firth’ holiday cycle route…
