July 2024

PoP 2016 biggest ever!!

The biggest & best PoP ever … literally thousands of people, all calling for proper investment in cycling as an everyday means of transport …

photo: beqi at flickr.com


Sat 23 Apr: Pedal on Parliament!!

What the political parties are promising … click here and here

What you can do about it … click here

… including Saturday 23 April, Pedal on Parliament 2016!!

Why?? Because this and this and the lovely PoP video* here…

*the video is from last year, so has a different date – the 2016 […]

Spokes Holyrood Hustings – report

Our March 21 public meeting gave the 100 people who came along a great chance to interact with politicians standing for the Holyrood Parliament, and many lessons emerged from the meeting …


Bike/rail cuts: opposition mounts

Our tweet about Transport Scotland’s bike/rail cuts is now easily our most popular ever, with 95 retweets already

Update 28 March: nearly 150 retweets and many appalled comments (a selection below). Also in the national press…

The Herald online 29.03.16. Full story in Herald printed paper.


Thu 5 May 2016: Holyrood Election

The Holyrood election is approaching and is critical to cycling/transport policies/budgets for the next 5 years. We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the opportunity in Edinburgh and the Lothians …


Spokes Bulletin 124: Business backs Bikes

Out now!! Including: Bikes are good for business, large or small; Edinburgh Bike Life report; Government transport priorities; Holyrood election + many local and national issues … Read on!! … […]

Budget blow to walk & cycle

With no changes in the finalised budget, the Scottish Government has set the ground for a retreat on walking and cycling by Councils across the country…


Budget : MSPs briefed on “1% of trunk roads” plan

All MSPs have been sent a briefing on our ‘politically realistic’ proposal for the 16/17 budget – which is to be finalised on Wednesday. The plan has gathered support from more MSPs [including a promise from Malcolm Chisholm MSP to raise it in the budget debate], together with Professor of Physical Activity for Health Chris […]

Budget : more support for our plan

The Scottish Parliament’s Cross Party Cycling Group has written to Deputy First Minister John Swinney MSP supporting our budget proposal; many Spokes members have emailed their MSPs and 260 people have supported FOE’s budget e-action…


Budget : more cash needed – but not yet!

Once again, the Parliament’s Infrastructure Committee has urged more cycling cash – but once again they have bottled out of saying where in the current budget it should come from. They even want a ‘step change’ in funding – but in future years. However, the 16/17 budget is still far from final, and our “politically […]