July 2024

Are cyclists buses or taxis?

Spokes has submitted its comments on the Council’s plans for the future of Princes Street and George Street…


Cars down, bravery not yet up

The Spokes Spring Public Meeting on 8 April heard a challenging message to politicians from Scottish transport expert Prof Iain Docherty, followed by pleas from Jim Eadie MSP and Cllr Jim Orr for maximum public backing to help achieve greater investment and tougher policies to encourage more people to get about by bike …


Future of Local Transport: Spokes Spring public meeting

[Latest!! There’s a preview of our public meeting in the new 3.4.13 Spokesworker] Cycling as a form of transport needs to be seen in the wider context of local transport as a whole, and at our meeting on Monday 8 April Professor Iain Docherty will set the context by describing current trends and policies […]

London v. Edinburgh

London’s Mayor, Boris Johnson, has introduced a remarkable new cycling policy, backed up by serious funding. How does this, and particularly the funding levels, compare to Edinburgh?


Spokes Bulletin 115

Out now! … Edinburgh Council budget 2013/14, Princes Street pedestrian/cyclist huge potential [Jan Gehl], two victories on garden bike shed removal orders, ‘everyday cycling’ pictures, and loads more…


10% by 2020: Vision or Target?

The Scottish Government wants 10% of all journeys to be by bike in 2020. Is this a ‘vision’ or a ‘target’? …


CAPS Refresh : Spokes view

Responding to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland, Spokes calls for political leadership and adequate funding if the government is to move towards its own 2020 target of 10% of trips to be by bike…


Grit not greet

[Note – This news item is from 2013, when Edinburgh’s regularised cycleroute gritting scheme began. For current Council gritting priorities & map see our council links page]

Whilst cyclists across the UK are greeting* about icy bikepaths, Edinburgh Council is being praised for its gritting…


Leith Walk future

A remarkable joint submission by Greener Leith, Spokes, local Community Councils, the Cockburn and other groups puts the council under unprecedented pressure to come up with a truly people-friendly Leith Walk, including a ‘protected’ uphill cycle lane …


Christmas Cheer!!

[Jan 3 update: How the £3.9m is being used Scotsman article Herald article] Two rather nice developments to end the year! One from Edinburgh City Council, one from the Scottish Government …
