July 2024

Budget update: cheeky reply

Much lobbying is happening over the disastrous Scottish draft budget 2012-13, now out for consultation. If you are unhappy please email your MSPs.


Draft Scottish Budget – Spokes submission

Spokes has published its formal submission on the draft Scottish budget. The budget, which is now up for consultation, is every bit as bad for active travel as we feared in our initial impressions.


Nov 17: Edinburgh and Oxford

The Spokes autumn public meeting will compare cycling policies in Edinburgh and Oxford…


Bulletin 110: Cycling after the Election

What does Scotland’s remarkable election result, with an overall SNP majority, mean for cycling as a form of transport in Scotland?? …


Election debate & final actions!!

An election debate on walking/cycling investment is now available on YouTube – and there’s an easy way to email your candidates about cycling investment.


Cycling in the Holyrood Manifestos

What is promised for cycling in party manifestos for the May 5th Holyrood elections?? Read on…


Cycling England killed: final message

Cycling England disappears on 1st April 2011 under the UK government’s Bonfire of the Quangos – a tragic and ill-considered loss, casting doubt on the government’s supposed wish to grow cycle use, and on its ‘green’ agenda.


Get involved in NPs [Leith & City Centre currently urgent]

Find out what’s happening in your and other local areas within Edinburgh – and help influence things – through the Neighbourhood Partnerships website…


Cyclenation conference report

Reports, pictures and presentations are now online…


“the most detailed and comprehensive …”

The Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) has just published a new briefing paper, Cycling in Scotland: Update 2010. […]