June 2024

Election #Holyrood2021 – how shall I vote??

No – we aren’t telling you who to vote for! But hopefully giving you some guidance how to use the somewhat complicated Holyrood voting system to aim for the result that you would like…


Spokes Election Hustings #Holyrood2021

[Latest, 20 April] Recording of meeting now available here–>https://youtu.be/kugejmKuAmQ

Spokes is holding an online election hustings, on Thursday 15 April, 7.30pm, for the Edinburgh and Lothians area of the Scottish Parliament election, to discuss transport issues with particular emphasis on cycling.


#SpokesMtg report: Spaces for … Children!

Our Spaces for People – The Future meeting unexpectedly developed a strong theme of making streets safer for children, particularly after the input of our three local-area speakers. And that, of course, makes sense, because children are the future.


#SpokesMtg: Spaces for People – the Future

Latest [March 20]: Recording of meeting now available here–>https://youtu.be/aAN17Vw9v_g

Like many other Councils across Scotland and the UK, Edinburgh City has introduced a wide range of Spaces for People schemes, using government funding dedicated to that purpose.

Our meeting, on Thursday 18 March, asks: should they, can they, will they, be made permanent?


Spaces for People consultation

Like many other Councils across Scotland and the UK, Edinburgh is consulting on whether to make successful SfP schemes permanent – and, if so, how they should be improved. Please respond to the consultation!


2021 Active Travel Challenges

Councils across Scotland, not least Edinburgh, face big challenges on active travel in 2021. But what they can achieve will depend significantly on decisions by the Scottish Government – specifically their actions on traffic reduction and on helping Councils make successful Spaces for People projects permanent.


2020: What on Earth Happened??

No one could have predicted the incredible shake-up which Covid19 has brought to transport and travel in Edinburgh, Scotland, the UK and worldwide in 2020 – as just one element of its shock to every aspect of life. Conversely it was modern transport, notably flying, which caused such rapid spread of the original and […]

Bike sheds breakthrough?

Nov 1 update: Finalised Spokes submission here

After nearly a decade of lobbying, the Scottish Government at last appears to be seriously considering allowing families to install a modest front garden bike storage shed without the hassle, uncertainty and £200+ cost of seeking planning permission. However, their proposals need tweaking or we will […]

Emergency CovidStreets cash, Scotland v England

Stop Press 26 May: Scot Gov trebles the £10m ‘covidstreets’ fund to £30m – as we predicted below (end of The Cash para) – and for the reasons we gave!

Both governments have allocated cash for councils to install pop-up low-cost measures – cycle lanes, road closures, wider footways etc. The aims are […]

Spokes Bulletin 136 – year 2020 and beyond

The Spring Spokes Bulletin asks what concrete actions to boost cycle use we’ll see in Edinburgh in year 2020, and what the plans and intentions are between now and 2030?

At Scottish level, what do the experts say on the relationship between transport and climate? – and is the Scottish Government listening? – […]