July 2024

Sheriffhall – ScotGov plans worst for cycling

Spokes has written to Transport Minister Humza Yousaf MSP asking for a pedestrian/cycle overbridge at Sheriffhall. Of the three roundabout options that were under consideration, the government’s recently announced ‘preferred option’ is the worst choice as far as safe and attractive cycling is concerned.


Council election manifestos analysis

With the main party manifestos for Edinburgh’s May 4th Council elections now published, Spokes has assessed their support for cycling as an everyday form of transport…


Saturday 22 April: Edinburgh PoP


Spokes 2017 Council Hustings – report

Our April 6 Hustings gave the 70 or so people who came along a great chance to interact with politicians from the 5 main parties standing for Edinburgh City Council …


Thu 4 May: Council Elections

Council elections are approaching and are critical to cycling and transport policies and budgets for the next 5 years. We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the election opportunity locally …


Spokes Council Hustings, 6 April

On May 4th this year, every Council in Scotland will be re-elected. Our Spring Public Meeting on 6th April will be an election hustings for Edinburgh Council…


CAPS3 disappoints

The Scottish Government’s third Cycling Action Plan for Scotland (2017-2020) follows the pattern of CAPS1 and CAPS2 – a collection of increasingly useful & positive initiatives, but not an evidence-based, costed and funded programme to achieve its “unshakeable” commitment to 10% of all trips being by bike in 2020.


Top 2016 Tweets – what and why

Below are the most popular Spokes tweets from the last 12 months, measured by the number of retweets (RTs). A truly fascinating picture!!


Scottish Govt draft 17/18 budget fails 2020 test

Update 27.1.17: Scottish Parliament REC Committee report on the draft budget quotes our submission and asks ScotGov to set out plans to “increase funding for active travel in order to make tangible progress towards meeting its stated targets.”

The draft 17/18 budget just fulfils the SNP manifesto promise to maintain active travel investment at […]

Benefiting Business : meeting report

Cycling benefits business now – and has huge further potential. That was the clear message from our public meeting on Benefiting Business through Cycling …
