June 2024

Spokes Nov 2010 traffic count [updated 5 Dec]

For the 5th November in a row, cyclist numbers have risen in the regular Spokes traffic count…


Bulletin 108 : Cycle funds up in 10/11

The autumn Spokes Bulletin shows a recovery in Scottish cycling investment in 2010/11, almost to its previous high – but there are fears for 2011/12 and beyond…


CEC Active Travel Action Plan

Edinburgh Council’s Active Travel Action Plan [ATAP], incorporating the Cycling Action Plan, has been finalised and agreed by the Council’s Transport Committee.


CEC Cycle Action Plan – Spokes response

Spokes has responded to Edinburgh Council’s draft Cycle Action Plan…


Politicians’ bike ride

Spokes on 17 June organised a demonstration ride for Edinburgh councillors and senior officials…


Edinburgh Council draft Cycling Action Plan

Edinburgh Council’s draft Active Travel Action Plan [ATAP] incorporating the Cycling Action Plan [CAP] has been published in draft form…


Spokes Bike Breakfast – 23 June

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be on between 8-10am on 23 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


Everyday cyclists want more/better onroad facilities + action in Princes St & Picardy Place

An 85-person survey at the Spokes public meeting on the Council’s forthcoming Cycling Action Plan sees more and better-maintained onroad cycle facilities and conditions as the top priority. Top areas where cycle-friendly decisions are essential are Princes Street and Picardy Place.


Tram TROs ctd – Spokesworker 9.3.10

More detail about the implication of the tram Traffic Regulation Orders is spelt out in the new issue of Spokesworker, along with more news, dates, and things you can do to help our never-ending campaign for better cycling conditions…


Bulletin 106 – Cycling investment falling

Cycling investment across Scotland risks falling in every year of office of the SNP government – but there are positive signs at Edinburgh Council.
