June 2024

Competition ends 6 Sept

Don’t leave it to the last minute if you want a 1st class rail ticket for two – or free cinema tickets – or great food prizes – or bike shop stuff – or more – even a hair cut! Click here for what to do.

Borders Rail & Cycling

There will be major changes to cycleroutes in Midlothian and Borders as railway works progress over the next 2 years. A new Sustrans website will keep you updated…


Airdrie-Bathgate admission + Borders link

[Borders Rail paragraphs updated 7.1.13 and again 28.1.13] The Scottish Government has allocated £500k for improved cycle/pedestrian access to stations on the now 2-year old Airdrie-Bathgate railway – a welcome sum and also a tacit admission that the original plans left a lot to be desired …


Bike-Rail Toolkit + conference

The Association of Train Operating Companies [ATOC] has published an exciting new 60-page ‘toolkit’ on how to greatly improve bike-rail integration, so as to make bike-rail a true ‘end-to-end’ journey from home to destination…


Spokes Summer mailing

Spokes Bulletin 113 is hitting the doorsteps of all Spokes members, 1200 decision-makers across Scotland, and countless other cyclists and interested individuals (well, to be a little more precise, around 13,000 for this issue!)


Bike/rail in Scotland: the Future : urgent!

You have until Monday 20 Feb to submit comments on the future of rail – including bike/rail – in the Transport Scotland Rail 2014 Consultation…


Future of bike-rail in Scotland

Two major consultations will help decide the future of bike-rail in Scotland…


Bulletin 109: transport spending out of kilter

Without a major change of policy after May’s Holyrood election, the Scottish Government will fail to meet its praiseworthy and potentially achievable target for 10% of trips to be by bike in 2020…


North Berwick trains: bike survey

If you use the North Berwick rail service (including to or from intermediate stations) please help in our survey of bike usage…


The Big Example

Anyone organising a big event at a potentially car-based site could learn a great lesson in terms of encouraging sustainable access from The Big Tent environment festival on July 23-25 in Fife.