July 2024

East Lothian #SpokesMap – 5th edition!

The 5th edition of our highly praised East Lothian Cycle Map is out!! The whole county was surveyed by Spokes volunteers, and the map then completely revised and updated in a lengthy and highly detailed process by a skilled cartographer from our maps group – entirely voluntarily.


Edinburgh Spokes Cycle Map – new edition

The 11th edition of our highly praised Edinburgh Cycle Map is out!! The entire city was surveyed by Spokes volunteers, and the map then completely revised and updated by a skilled cartographer from our maps group.


#SpokesMtg … Diversity & Opportunity

Growing opportunities enabling more and more categories of people to get about by bike were a top feature of our ‘Diversity Rules’ public meeting …


The New Spokes Edinburgh Map!!


The long-awaited 10th edition Spokes Edinburgh Cycling and Walking map is here…



Favourite Cycle Rides

Spokes has published a great new booklet based on prizewinning entries from our 2015 Favourite Rides competition…


Spokes Bulletin 124: Business backs Bikes

Out now!! Including: Bikes are good for business, large or small; Edinburgh Bike Life report; Government transport priorities; Holyrood election + many local and national issues … Read on!! … […]

Merry Christmas Cycling Extrapolations

“The bicycle is one of the most beneficial of human inventions but we haven’t quite finished extrapolating its possibilities“

… Quentin Blake, Guardian Christmas Cartoon

“Every day in the run-up to the holidays, top illustrators are drawing festive scenes for all to share” … in The Guardian


Sat 28 Nov … Scotland’s Climate March


Competition: East Lothian triumph!!

The pleasures of East Lothian cycling beat all others in our summer competition, My Favourite Bike Ride, with first prize awarded to Dunbar resident and Spokes member, Mark James…


Competition: ‘My Favourite Bike Ride’

Everyone with a bike has a favourite ride – tell us yours and you could win a great prize plus some modest fame. We’ve had feedback that the comp is complicated to enter, but it isn’t!! – see page 2 of the entry form [pdf] or [doc]. We only need a brief description of the […]