June 2024

#SpokesMtg … Diversity & Opportunity

Growing opportunities enabling more and more categories of people to get about by bike were a top feature of our ‘Diversity Rules’ public meeting …


#SpokesMtg 15 Nov – Cycling for All – Diversity Rules!!

Who should be able to get around by bike safely and conveniently??


West-East Cycleroute will get you to Pilrig, not to Leith? #spokesmtg

1. Stop Press: as we publish this article consultation drawings go on display on the tram extension website. 2. For documents about the tramline extension consultation see our developing tramline extension page.

The proposals in the York Place to Newhaven tram extension consultation are just proposals, and can be changed. But, if they remain, […]

Tramline safety measures

The Council has outlined its phased programme to improve cyclist tramline safety, with phase 1 being implemented in the immediate future…


Tramline safety update

Plans are underway to try and improve the safety of Edinburgh’s tramline system for people travelling by bike…


Picardy re-think ??

Aug 16 latest: Excellent Picardy Place article by Broughton Spurtle. Following a joint deputation by Spokes and Living Streets, and a motion by Cllr Chas Booth, Edinburgh Council has unanimously agreed a public consultation on the future of Picardy Place …


Tackling Road Danger – meeting report

A culture in which road danger is increasingly unacceptable, and progressively reduced, can be created by a multi-pronged approach using many policy levers – of which street design and infrastructure is at the top of the list. This was the over-riding message of our June 14 public meeting …


Spokes Bulletin 128 … Edinburgh 10% cycle budget safe

Our Summer 2017 Bulletin is out … highlighting the Edinburgh Council election result which should guarantee the city’s UK-unique cycle budget policy … our traffic counts showing a 10-year car decline & bike growth in the city centre peak period … Spokes is 40 this autumn!! … and, of course, there’s much more … read […]

Public meeting: Tackling Road Danger

It is now widely accepted that quality bike infrastructure is a vital route to substantially more bike use and to further danger reduction, but most roads will still not have protected bike lanes in the near future – so how can danger be reduced in the existing road system?


Sheriffhall – ScotGov plans worst for cycling

Spokes has written to Transport Minister Humza Yousaf MSP asking for a pedestrian/cycle overbridge at Sheriffhall. Of the three roundabout options that were under consideration, the government’s recently announced ‘preferred option’ is the worst choice as far as safe and attractive cycling is concerned.
