June 2024

Transport Cttee 1.11.16 … Bike storage ↑↑ … Bus lanes ↓↓

Edinburgh Council’s November Transport Committee both delights us (on secure bike storage) and appals us (on bus lane cuts) …


Cycling & Health : meeting report

Over 100 people came along to our public meeting on cycling and health, with expert speakers on the huge physical activity benefits, the dangers of air pollution and road crashes, and how politics can help maximise the benefits and reduce the downsides.


Public meeting: Cycling and Health

“10 years younger!” – Stewart Bryden photo

Getting about by bike is great for you!! Middle-aged people who cycle regularly typically enjoy the fitness level of someone 10 years younger, and gain two years in life expectancy. And it’s great for society, reducing pressures on the NHS, on our worsening climate and on […]

20 Cheers for Edinburgh!!

Edinburgh Council’s pioneering wide-area 20mph decision has brought some misleading press coverage – and it is great to see the Council, and many concerned individuals, fighting back! …


Bus lane cuts: what you say

We now know of many people who have objected to the Council’s plans to scrap bus lane operation all day Saturdays and off-peak on weekdays. If you don’t like it either, please join them! …


Bus/cycle lanes -> car/lorry lanes … unless you object

[Update June 3: 150 objections rejected – bus lane cutbacks trial to go ahead]

Edinburgh Council is planning to convert all bus lanes into peak-hour only, also scrapping Saturday bus lanes entirely. A total of 22km of all-day bus lanes will be affected – and it appears that little or no thought has been […]

Santa visits 11 Schools [not by car!]

Eleven Edinburgh schools are getting a great Christmas present, with cars to be banned in adjacent streets at opening and closing times. Another 20 schools wrote to Santa, but sadly missed out this year…


20mph: Have Your Say by 17 Oct!!

Edinburgh Council is consulting on one of the most ambitious 20mph plans of any UK city. But the plans risk being cut back. You can help ensure they get through – and are improved further …


Spokes Bulletin 119 : £3m win for Lothians Councils

[Update 4.6.14 Sustrans Map showing the Community Links funding allocations] Out now!! Including… West Lothian & Edinburgh win big Sustrans funding; Edinburgh bikes up & cars down; Extending the Meadows cycleroute; Our summer competition with great prizes; HGV driver cycling training; Government cycling cash up 2014 but down 2015 … READ ON…


PoP: it’s all happening!!

Anyone with anything to announce on cycling waited for the Pedal on Parliament weekend …
