July 2024

CargoBikes in Scotland

Spokes has submitted evidence about cargobikes to the Scottish Parliament ICI Committee’s Inquiry into Freight Transport in Scotland…


UK General Election 2015

Information and links to help you decide…


Spokes Bulletin 121: Cash cut averted?

Out now!! Including – A little more cycling cash in Government budget; Edinburgh Council cycle budget now 8% of transport!; City Centre feature; shocking Council retreat on bus lanes; Glasgow v. Edinburgh; Superhighways in London (and Edinburgh?) … Read on …


Scottish Government cycling cash 2001-2015

Funding for cycling in Scotland in 2014/15 is at its highest level ever, though it is well below what would be needed to achieve the 2020 ‘vision‘ of 10% of trips by bike … and without further changes it will fall somewhat in 2015/16 …


Budget Hope?

The vote on the Scottish 2015/16 budget is near … and there is some hope of improvement in cycling infrastructure investment …


MSPs seek ‘substantial additional funding’ for active travel

In a detailed reponse to the Scottish Government’s draft budget 2015-16, MSPs on the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee (ICI) recommend that the government consider “substantial additional funding” to roll out sustainable and active travel projects…


No new cycling cash!

The government’s first ever active travel debate brings no new initiatives and no new cash! Why was this debate called?


Parliament Active Travel Debate

Wednesday 7 January 2015 brings what we think is the first ever Scottish government-sponsored debate on active travel – a great development. Scotland needs a big ramping up in cycling & walking investment – but maybe we’ll at least have a wee one!


New Year Cycling Resolutions?? .. Act instead!!

Keep yourself busy over the holiday (and after) .. We’ve a few suggestions ..


New Transport Minister goes skating

[Update Dec 17: Deputy 1st Minister John Swinney MSP agrees to meet Jim Eadie MSP to discuss cycle funding – see tweets & video at end below. Your emails/visits/phones to MSPs are helping – please continue!]

New Scottish Government Transport Minister Derek Mackay MSP is honing his skills at skating … around a question …
