July 2024

Hot breakfast!

Even the sun visited this year’s June 18 Spokes Bike Breakfast – with another great turnout and lots of appreciative comments…


£7m new active travel cash

The Scottish Government has announced £7m completely new money for cycling and walking infrastructure, to be spent this financial year 2014/15… [August update – how £4.5m of the cash will be used – Sustrans press release table of projects]


Spokes Bulletin 119 : £3m win for Lothians Councils

[Update 4.6.14 Sustrans Map showing the Community Links funding allocations] Out now!! Including… West Lothian & Edinburgh win big Sustrans funding; Edinburgh bikes up & cars down; Extending the Meadows cycleroute; Our summer competition with great prizes; HGV driver cycling training; Government cycling cash up 2014 but down 2015 … READ ON…


PoP: it’s all happening!!

Anyone with anything to announce on cycling waited for the Pedal on Parliament weekend …


Three April events PoP up

The latest Spokesworker is out – with a call to help at Pedal on Parliament, news of 2 long-distance route events, and lots more local and national news…


Pedal on Parliament 2014

Why it matters How you can help More about PoP

Free Solway<->Forth C2C map!

A new long distance ‘Sea to Sea’ tourist route is being planned from the Solway to the Forth…


Spokes Bulletin 118

Out now! … Edinburgh progress in sustainable transport; Preventing Haymarket tramline crashes; Transport & Planning: failure in joined-up thinking; Council Local Transport Strategy supplement; Everyday bike use pictures; and loads more…


Pedal on Parliament 2014

PoP2014 is as important as ever, and needs you ! …


Bike/Rail Scotland : update

We now have email contacts enabling you to contact bidders for the ScotRail franchise – and it is important that you do so! …
