July 2024

London v. Edinburgh

London’s Mayor, Boris Johnson, has introduced a remarkable new cycling policy, backed up by serious funding. How does this, and particularly the funding levels, compare to Edinburgh?


Spokes Bulletin 115

Out now! … Edinburgh Council budget 2013/14, Princes Street pedestrian/cyclist huge potential [Jan Gehl], two victories on garden bike shed removal orders, ‘everyday cycling’ pictures, and loads more…


10% by 2020: Vision or Target?

The Scottish Government wants 10% of all journeys to be by bike in 2020. Is this a ‘vision’ or a ‘target’? …


CAPS Refresh : Spokes view

Responding to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland, Spokes calls for political leadership and adequate funding if the government is to move towards its own 2020 target of 10% of trips to be by bike…


Airdrie-Bathgate admission + Borders link

[Borders Rail paragraphs updated 7.1.13 and again 28.1.13] The Scottish Government has allocated £500k for improved cycle/pedestrian access to stations on the now 2-year old Airdrie-Bathgate railway – a welcome sum and also a tacit admission that the original plans left a lot to be desired …


Christmas Cheer!!

[Jan 3 update: How the £3.9m is being used Scotsman article Herald article] Two rather nice developments to end the year! One from Edinburgh City Council, one from the Scottish Government …


Scottish Budget process fails – again!!

For the fourth year running, MSPs have been convinced by expert evidence of the need for greater funding if there is to be any hope of reaching the government’s cycle-use target. But, despite this, the draft Scottish budget 2013/14 is unlikely to change – thanks to political cowardice and government obfuscation.


Quick chance for more cycling investment

[20 December update: this quick-fire campaign succeeded!! See Dec 19 news item]. There’s a short window of opportunity to gain a modest one-off boost to Scottish cycling investment. Please send a quick email to your MSPs now…


Spokes National Cycling Proposal

Spokes has proposed a major cycling project to the government’s NPF3 consultation, which seeks ideas for ‘developments of national significance’ …


Spokes Bulletin 114

Out now! – the latest on Scottish cycle policy & funding, Edinburgh council projects 2012 & 2013, new shared paths flyer, facts & theories on bike use & safety,…
