July 2024

Cycling up slightly in Budget

The Scottish government’s 2013/14 budget brings a small recovery in cycling investment from this year’s low point – but investment is still well under 1% of total transport spending, and nowhere near enough to reach the government’s 2020 target of 10% of all trips to be by bike…


Pedal on Postbox: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dunblane, Dumfries …

Missed out on the fabulous Pedal on Parliament Scotland? – then why not Pedal on Postbox at events around Scotland on Sunday 16th September.


Bike-Rail Toolkit + conference

The Association of Train Operating Companies [ATOC] has published an exciting new 60-page ‘toolkit’ on how to greatly improve bike-rail integration, so as to make bike-rail a true ‘end-to-end’ journey from home to destination…


Scottish Budget 2013/14

[‘What happens next’ updated 25 Aug] Will the Scottish Government’s 2013/14 draft budget see sense on cycling investment and, more generally, on active travel? Spokes has submitted comments to the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee…


Spokes Summer mailing

Spokes Bulletin 113 is hitting the doorsteps of all Spokes members, 1200 decision-makers across Scotland, and countless other cyclists and interested individuals (well, to be a little more precise, around 13,000 for this issue!)


New councils…

What do the Scottish council election results mean for cycling policy and investment in Edinburgh and elsewhere? …


PoP phenomenal!

Pedal on Parliament exceeded all expectations, with a police estimate of 2500 people, and others suggesting 3000+


Pedal on Parliament

Spokes urges you to come along – with friends and family – to Pedal on Parliament on Saturday 28 April. Join the huge rally, along with round-the-world cyclist Mark Beaumont (on his shortest-ever bike ride!), Spokes members Alison Johnstone MSP (Green) and Ian Murray MP (Labour) and other supportive politicians such as Jim Eadie MSP […]

A90 path ‘disgrace’ to Scotland

Speaking in the March 29 Parliamentary debate on cycling [pdf 1.1MB] Fife Labour MSP Helen Eadie echoed a long-standing Spokes campaign, declaring in passionate tones, “The cycle path from Fife to Edinburgh is a disgrace.”


Massive funding boost [?]

A Scottish Government advance press notice, leaked to Spokes, indicates that the active travel proposals in Low Carbon Scotland, the government’s RPP document, are to be fully funded – meaning over £100m a year for walking and cycling!! This morning, Spokes publishes a summarised report of the leaked document [please do click and read this […]