July 2024

Strict liability, folders on buses, local links

There are more updates to the website…


Scottish Budget 2010-11: nearing the end

The Budget Bill will be debated in the Scottish Parliament on Jan 20, and a final vote is expected on 4 February.


Spokesworker 28.12.09

The new Spokesworker contains fascinating data about coloured surfacing in Edinburgh, more on Princes Street, a project to boost green commuting at local workplaces (yours?) and more …


Scottish Budget 2010-11: no progress yet

There is no sign of the Scottish Government paying attention to the recommendations of the all-party Parliamentary Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee.


Scottish draft budget 2010-11: a step forward!

We are one step closer to more realistic cycling investment, thanks to the Parliament’s all-party Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee [TICC]. Last year Scottish Government Ministers ignored their recommendations. Your emails to MSPs are vital right now to stop the same happening this year.


Spokes Copenhagen ‘Ride Planet Earth’ – report

Our Sunday ride in support of Ride Planet Earth was great!!


Spokes at Parliament Transport Committee – video

Spokes gave oral evidence on 24 November to the Inquiry into Active Travel (cycling and walking) by the Scottish Parliament’s Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee.


Scottish Parliament Inquiry – Spokes submission

In response to the Parliament’s Active Travel Inquiry Spokes calls for greatly increased funding for cycle projects, and improved ways of delivering the funding.


Spokesworker 11.11.09

The Scottish Parliament has launched an Inquiry into Active Travel (walking and cycling) – this and much more is covered in Spokesworker 11.11.09 …


Bulletin 105 – Late 2009

Good news from Edinburgh Council, whilst at Holyrood the draft budget for 2010/11 yet again boosts trunk road spending whilst maintaining cycling investment at a miserable level.
