July 2024

Budget – Spokes writes to Minister

Spokes has written to Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Development John Swinney over the miserable level of funding for cycling in the draft Scottish budget 2010-11.


Is the Government serious?

On 29 Oct Spokes leafletted 200 delegates (including main speaker, Cabinet Secretary John Swinney MSP, and many decision-makers from around Scotland) as they arrived at the SSN annual Sustainability conference at Dynamic Earth.


SpokesWorker 27.10.09

SpokesWorker 27.10.09 is now on the SpokesWorker page above, with more on the Scottish budget, and lots of small news items – Botanics, Forth Bridge, tenement bike parking, 10:10 climate campaign, funding sources for local bike projects, and more.


Scottish Draft Budget 2010-11

The draft budget again effectively freezes investment in active travel – although that actually masks a slight fall in cycling investment from its existing tragically low level.


Linlithgow Station Cycle Info board

ScotRail’s first cycle information board, produced by Spokes at ScotRail’s initiative, was unveiled at Linlithgow Station on Friday 11 September by the Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee, Patrick Harvie MSP.


CAPS – Scottish Cycling Action Plan – Spokes responds

“The government sets the target (10% of all journeys in Scotland to be by bike by 2020) – therefore they have the primary responsibility for achieving it.”


“The Most Comprehensive Analysis…”

The Scottish Parliament Information Centre (Spice) has published a briefing paper on cycling in Scotland. The document incorporates the summary table from our Spokes 2009 Funding Survey, which it calls, “the most comprehensive analysis of funding for Scottish cycling projects.”


Cycling to work is healthy

Employees who cycle regularly to work are less frequently ill, with on average more than one day per year less absenteeism than colleagues who do not cycle to work. See Netherlands TNO report for details.

Scottish Government snubs cycling whilst boosting trunk roads – Bulletin 103

The Spring Spokes Bulletin is out, highlighting the failure of the Scottish Government to take bike use seriously in its 2009/10 budget – despite the all-party evidence-based recommendation of the Parliament’s own Transport, Environment and Climate Change Committee. Yet big new money is going into trunk roads. So – a huge question mark over the […]