July 2024

Budget : MSPs briefed on “1% of trunk roads” plan

All MSPs have been sent a briefing on our ‘politically realistic’ proposal for the 16/17 budget – which is to be finalised on Wednesday. The plan has gathered support from more MSPs [including a promise from Malcolm Chisholm MSP to raise it in the budget debate], together with Professor of Physical Activity for Health Chris […]

Budget : more support for our plan

The Scottish Parliament’s Cross Party Cycling Group has written to Deputy First Minister John Swinney MSP supporting our budget proposal; many Spokes members have emailed their MSPs and 260 people have supported FOE’s budget e-action…


Budget : more cash needed – but not yet!

Once again, the Parliament’s Infrastructure Committee has urged more cycling cash – but once again they have bottled out of saying where in the current budget it should come from. They even want a ‘step change’ in funding – but in future years. However, the 16/17 budget is still far from final, and our “politically […]

Scottish Budget – what MSPs say

Following our original article on the 16/17 draft budget, calling for 1% of the 16/17 trunk road budget line to be transferred to cycling and walking, members started contacting MSPs. Some MSP replies are now being forwarded to us…


Scottish Budget – what you say

Following our article on the draft budget, calling for 1% of the 16/17 trunk road budget line to be transferred to cycling and walking, a few people have started copying us emails they have sent to their MSPs…


Scottish Budget: a realistic proposal

Spokes has written to the Scottish Parliament Infrastructure Committee suggesting a politically realistic option for preventing damage to Council cycling budgets in 2016/17. If you agree, please contact your MSPs in support…


Scottish Budget : councils’ cycling hit

The Scottish budget 2016/17 promises that active travel cash will be at or just below its 2015/16 level. Further investigation, however, suggests that the budget’s impact on local council cycling provision could be significantly worse than the overall figure suggests.


Budget – roads ↑↑ rail ↓ cycling/walking static or ↓ish

The draft Scottish Budget 2016-17, coming right after the Paris Climate Summit, continues and worsens the Scottish Government’s unsustainable transport policies. Trunk road spending rises hugely, rail is cut, whilst cycling/walking investment looks if anything slightly down on 15-16, and again falls below 2% of total transport spending.


Spokes Holyrood Hustings 2016

As our Spring Public Meeting, Spokes will hold a 2016 Holyrood election hustings on Monday 21 March, to discuss cycling issues…


Forth Road Bridge closure – cycling opportunity

Update 15.12.15: FORTHBRIDGE CLOSURE SURVEY by Glasgow and Leeds universities Update 10.12.15: Craigie’s Farm letter to MSPs “Three of our staff normally cycle to work over the bridge” Update 10.12.15: Torquil Crichton in The Record “Of course … featherweight cyclists should be allowed …” Update 9.12.15: First reply from Transport Minister, via Cara Hilton MSP […]