July 2024

Edinburgh Council Cycle Policy

What should Edinburgh be doing now under its new Labour/SNP administration? And, following the Olympics, will it include a Sir Chris Hoy Cycle Network? …


Bike Breakfast record!

This year’s Spokes Bike Breakfast was a huge success with several hundred people – and an amazing one-third of Edinburgh City’s 58 councillors appearing, most of them arriving by bike…


Spokes 2012 Competition

This year’s annual Spokes summer competition – My Favourite Place by Bike – has been launched…


Spokes Summer mailing

Spokes Bulletin 113 is hitting the doorsteps of all Spokes members, 1200 decision-makers across Scotland, and countless other cyclists and interested individuals (well, to be a little more precise, around 13,000 for this issue!)


May 2012: more bikes again!!

The Spokes May 2012 Edinburgh traffic count has found yet another rise in bikes, both in total and as a % of all vehicles…


Spokes Bike Breakfast – June 20

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be between 8-10am on Weds 20 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


PoP phenomenal!

Pedal on Parliament exceeded all expectations, with a police estimate of 2500 people, and others suggesting 3000+


Cycling in Edinburgh, past and future

In the run-up to the May 3 council elections, Spokes has a big opinion piece in the April 12 Edinburgh Evening News…


Bulletin 112: Edinburgh Excels

The Spring Spokes Bulletin praises Edinburgh City’s remarkable “5% + external funding” budget decision [also rising by 1% a year] as a model for other Scottish Councils…


Spokes meets Transport Minister

Spokes and the Bike Station met Transport Minister Keith Brown MSP on February 1st to discuss cycling investment in Scotland…
