June 2024

Spokes map buff is back!

Some years ago Spokes sold a buff/snood/face-covering featuring part of our Edinburgh map and we’ve often been asked to do so again. Now it’s here! – this time with the section of our 2020 Midlothian map incorporating very roughly the Porty-Prestonpans-Dalkeith triangle, i.e. parts of Midlothian, East Lothian and Edinburgh City!


2020: What on Earth Happened??

No one could have predicted the incredible shake-up which Covid19 has brought to transport and travel in Edinburgh, Scotland, the UK and worldwide in 2020 – as just one element of its shock to every aspect of life. Conversely it was modern transport, notably flying, which caused such rapid spread of the original and […]

Spokes Bulletin 135 – targets v. actions

The Scottish Government has set bold climate targets, but these must be matched by bold actions – particularly on transport, Scotland’s biggest emissions source.


#SpokesComp 2019 – Inspired to use a bike!!

Who or what inspired you, or who did you inspire, to get about by bike, especially for everyday journeys?  Our summer competition uncovered many sources of inspiration, most notably friends and relations, concerns about climate and environment and the desire for health and fitness.


Bike Storage for Flats and Tenements

Spokes has published a new factsheet, How to be a Cycling Flat-Dweller. The factsheet covers everything from in the flat, in the stair, in gardens, or on the street – and even with a few extra hints for storing e-bikes or cargo bikes.


#SpokesComp: My Cycling Inspiration

For our 2019 summer competition we’d like to know what inspired you to start getting around by bike – or how you inspired someone else to start.

There are brilliant prizes – vouchers/tickets for cafes, bike shops, entertainment; a Scotland rail trip for 2; and an amazing new prize of a £500 voucher towards […]

Spokes Bulletin 133 – Climate/Transport/Cycling… is ScotGov serious?

In the last 1-2 years, the Scottish Government has significantly upped its support for cycling. But … at the same time it is boosting road and air travel, and its forecasts fortell a frightening future…


Top Tweets 2018: a hiatus year

We list the most popular Spokes tweets from the last 12 months, measured by the number of retweets (RTs). They reflect a year in which there were no major threats to existing facilities or to existing major cycleroute proposals, but where no significant new cycleroute facilities appeared in the heart of the city either, although […]

#SpokesComp: My Cycling Transformation

Whilst Edinburgh City Council is planning a transformation for cycling (and more) we hope you have had a cycling transformation already! So, for our 2018 summer competition, we’d like to know what has brought the biggest positive transformation in your cycling life in recent years.


Spokes Bike Breakfast 2018 : Bike use at tipping point?

Another hugely enjoyable Bike Breakfast for the many people who came along on their way to work – but with a serious message for the politicians.
