July 2024

Spokes Bulletin 136 – year 2020 and beyond

The Spring Spokes Bulletin asks what concrete actions to boost cycle use we’ll see in Edinburgh in year 2020, and what the plans and intentions are between now and 2030?

At Scottish level, what do the experts say on the relationship between transport and climate? – and is the Scottish Government listening? – […]

Spokes Bulletin 135 – targets v. actions

The Scottish Government has set bold climate targets, but these must be matched by bold actions – particularly on transport, Scotland’s biggest emissions source.


Spokes Bulletin 133 – Climate/Transport/Cycling… is ScotGov serious?

In the last 1-2 years, the Scottish Government has significantly upped its support for cycling. But … at the same time it is boosting road and air travel, and its forecasts fortell a frightening future…


Spokes Bulletin 132 … Cycling for more people

Our Winter 2018/19 Bulletin is out … showing how getting about by bike is becoming a realistic option for more and more people …


Spokes Bulletin 131 … Edinburgh’s cycling future

Our Summer 2018 Bulletin is out … with new research on why Edinburgh has outstripped the rest of Scotland in boosting cycle use, but hints that this may be slowing. Will the City Centre Transformation, Bike Share scheme, and other big projects be implemented boldly enough to ensure continued momentum? And, of course there’s loads […]

Spokes Bulletin 130 … featuring tramline & Leith Walk issues

Our Spring (despite the weather!) 2018 Bulletin is out … with special attention to what is now happening over the controversial 2017 issues of Leith Walk, Leith Street and Picardy Place – and the forthcoming huge 2018 subject of the tramline extension (for which there are some ominous hints). And, of course, there’s much […]

Spokes Bulletin 129 … featuring E-mobility & big cycling investment

Our Winter 2017/18 Bulletin is out … with a special feature on e-mobility and highlighting the great Scottish government decision to double active travel investment to £15 per person. And, of course, there’s much more … read on!! … […]

Spokes Bulletin 128 … Edinburgh 10% cycle budget safe

Our Summer 2017 Bulletin is out … highlighting the Edinburgh Council election result which should guarantee the city’s UK-unique cycle budget policy … our traffic counts showing a 10-year car decline & bike growth in the city centre peak period … Spokes is 40 this autumn!! … and, of course, there’s much more … read […]

Spokes Bulletin 127 … a tale of two budgets

Our Spring 2017 issue, out now… highlighting Edinburgh City Council’s unique-in-UK allocation of 10% of the transport budget to cycling, contrasting with the Scottish Government’s fall to 1.6% thanks to ever-rising trunk road cash … And, of course, there’s much more … read on!! … […]

Spokes Bulletin 126 … Challenges for 2017 … local elections, national budget

In our winter 2016 issue, out now… Edinburgh’s East-West cycleroute; Council elections 2017; shopping by bike; benefiting business through cycling … much more … read on!! …
