June 2024

Quick chance for more cycle cash

[Update Dec 17: Jim Eadie MSP asks Deputy 1st Minister John Swinney MSP for some of this cash to go to cycling – see tweets & video at end of our Dec 10 story. Your emails/visits/phones to MSPs are helping – please continue!] There’s a short window of opportunity to gain a modest one-off boost […]

Spokes in UK Parliament

Our member Mark Lazarowicz MP complimented Spokes and Pedal on Parliament in today’s debate on the Get Britain Cycling report, as well as raising issues which concern us…


Spokes Gardens Bike Storage factsheet now in use

The Spokes factsheet on bike storage in gardens has been deemed ‘appropriate’ by Edinburgh Council’s Planning Committee and will now be referenced in the Council’s Planning Guidance to Householders…


Get Britain Cycling!

Spokes members Mark Lazarowicz MP, Sheila Gilmore MP and Ian Murray MP all spoke in the 2 September UK Parliament debate on Julian Huppert MP‘s motion in support of the Get Britain Cycling report, with several references in Parliament to Spokes, Edinburgh Council and Pedal on Parliament…


Worst week : What now ?

Could this be the worst week ever for cycling and for sustainable transport policy in general?


Cars down, bravery not yet up

The Spokes Spring Public Meeting on 8 April heard a challenging message to politicians from Scottish transport expert Prof Iain Docherty, followed by pleas from Jim Eadie MSP and Cllr Jim Orr for maximum public backing to help achieve greater investment and tougher policies to encourage more people to get about by bike …


London v. Edinburgh

London’s Mayor, Boris Johnson, has introduced a remarkable new cycling policy, backed up by serious funding. How does this, and particularly the funding levels, compare to Edinburgh?


London praises Edinburgh!

Edinburgh’s groundbreaking decision to allocate 5% [rising by 1% a year] of its transport budget to cycling investment has been quoted in the London Assembly as an example to the Mayor, Boris Johnson…


Get Britain Cycling: APPCG Inquiry

Spokes has responded to the UK All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group’s Inquiry, “Get Britain Cycling” …


‘Cities fit for Cycling’ campaign

The Times #Cyclesafe campaign has made a huge impact at UK level …
